Great ‘ho ho ho’ photos were submitted for this year’s Weifield Departmental Holiday Photo Contest!


1st Place – Support Services

(David B., David M., Lukas O., Nathan H., Stephan N., Jean M., Oyu D., JoAnn Y., Rebecca C., Josh S., David N., Leticia K., Renea F., Andrew B., Arnie T., Julia M., Connie M., Mike M., Melissa T., Samantha A., Sandy B., Justin M., Tina P.)



2nd Place – Special Projects and Water Solutions

(Special Projects: Erin J., Chris F., Frank A., Ryan A., Brandon F., Steve F., Clayton R., Brad E., Chris B., Mario Y., Clay S.)

(Water Solutions: Mike B., Angela S., Carly J., Melissa T., Kelly F.)


1st Place – War Memorial

(Connelly H., Nick G., Denver M., Chris F.)


We also want to give a special shout-out to the Rocky Mountain Granite Project team for showcasing their festive talents in the competition! Participants included: Mike S., Mike Z., Jared M., and Mike W.

The submitters for each department will be notified about their prize pickup details.

Awesome display of creativity, all – wishing you & yours a very happy holiday!​​​​​​​

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