Weifield Chief Business Development Officer, Karla Nugent, routinely meets with Weifield’s clients across divisions to obtain their client survey feedback and input as to our performance on our projects. Weifield consistently achieves high ratings on our client surveys — currently, we are averaging 4.7 out of a maximum rating of 5, overall, across all of our clients!
For this client kudo — Weifield’s performance was evaluated as the design-assist partner on a new construction, 54,000 sq. ft city headquarters for the City of Edgewater that includes a police station, fitness center, offices and library. As you can see, our GC, Alliance Construction, had great things to say about our performance in the Estimating/Preconstruction and Prefabrication areas!
Great job to our TEAM for your outstanding efforts on this project and for creating yet another happy client! 

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