Weifield’s July, 2018 Employee of the Month program called for nominations of those at Weifield who best promote Weifield’s ‘PACT’ company values (People, Advance Process, Community, and Trusting Relationships). Excited to announce that the winning Employee of the Month is: Randy Fluegge!

Randy was nominated by his teammate at the Monarch High School project, Davis Condreay, who said the following:

“Randy Fluegge, my lead foreman for the Monarch High School project, is an exemplary employee who I have had the privilege to work with for the past several months.  Randy never hesitates to accept and accomplish difficult tasks, delivers thorough detail and important information of the existing system, and daily commits to getting the job done. Randy has never once uttered that a job is too difficult to get finished on time; instead, he works diligently to complete tasks no matter how time-constrained.  I have relied heavily on his consistency and competence throughout this project; and as a result I have been able to cross some very technical scope off the completion list.

But what distinguishes Randy as a real stand-out, is how he silently leads others around him to thrive to a higher standard. He supports me by continually taking on the ‘heavy lifting,’ and selflessly shares his thirty years of knowledge with younger crew members. I have witnessed him coaching several young men to complete tasks with a positive attitude and to take pride in a job well done. He mentors everyone around him to be better.

 I feel fortunate to work alongside a professional like Randy. He reminds us to hold to a high standard and maintain a positive, professional attitude every day.  I cannot think of a worthier candidate for the distinction of Employee of the Month than Randy Fluegge.”

James Selecky, Weifield Chief Special Projects Officer, added to these nomination comments: “Still very blessed that Randy took on the Boulder High School remodel night shift for a year.”

As the winning Employee of the Month, Randy is being awarded a $100 gift card by Weifield ownership and will be featured on Facebook and in the “Wired In” newsletter. Thanks to all of this month’s nominees for your entries!

 Congratulations to RANDY for this well-deserved recognition! Watch for details on the next Employee of the Month process, soon!



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