On May 20th, Weifield’s Precon Texas team was excited to partner with IMEG Engineering at RECA’s Top Golf Charity Event held at Top Golf in Austin, Texas, where the Weifield team networked with several GCs. Some of which loved the fact that we teamed up with engineers, while others had their bays full of their own employees. Weifield received great kudos from HOAR Construction and Beck Group for this. This was a great event with promise of future leads and partnerships from engineers to GCs alike.
The charity benefits the ACE Mentorship Program which supports the early stages of getting kids in higher education who are interested in pursuing careers in architecture, engineering, construction and project management.
Participants in photo (left to right) include:
John Marsac (IMEG)
Zach C. (Weifield Texas Business Development Manager)
Krunal Chaudhari (IMEG)
Irvin Laney (IMEG)
Edgar R. (Weifield Texas Preconstruction Manager)
Peter S. (Weifield Texas Preconstruction Manager)
Jose Rose (IMEG)
Great job supporting such a fantastic organization!