Lennar Multi-Family Corporation | Owner
The Weitz Company | General Contractor
MEP | Engineer
Shears Adkins Rockmore | Architect
PROJECT DURATION: January, 2022 – December, 2023
PROJECT TYPE: Design-Assist
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: This project is comprised of a mixed-use 224- unit apartment building with one level below grade and 14 levels above grade. Level B1 includes parking and the storm water detention vault; Level 1 includes amenities, retail, parking, and building services; Levels 2 – 5 include parking and residential dwelling units which wrap the garage along 10th Ave and Bannock St.; Level 6 includes residential units, amenities, and an amenity/pool deck; Levels 7 – 13 include residential dwelling units; and Level 14 includes residential dwelling units and amenity space. Weifield won this job based on our 10th & Acoma project performance, with that same team leading this project.