Kudos to Bret W., Rocky Mountain Senior Project Manager, for receiving our latest Weifield PACT Frog recognition!
PACT Award Intent:
The intent of the PACT Frog is to celebrate those employees across departments who are demonstrating excellence through Weifield’s PACT values.
PACT Award Recipient [Awarded to Bret W. by Previous PACT Frog Recipient, Taylor H. – Rocky Mountain Superintendent]:
Our next deserving recipient is Bret W., Rocky Mountain Senior Project Manager. Taylor said the following: “I am nominating Bret because he has gone above and beyond helping out other’s projects to ensure success. He has helped with training other people at Weifield to help follow our processes while simultaneously helping to advance what we are doing to make everyone’s job easier. Bret is an asset to the company and a pleasure to work with.”
Congratulations to you Bret – we appreciate all you do! Enjoy your (solar) PACT Frog!