Congratulations to Weifield’s CO/WY October, 2021 Employee of the Month — Hunter Bowes, Weifield Journeyman!
The October, 2021 Employee of the Month round focused on identifying teammates in our company who best represent the ‘A’ (Advance Process) value in our PACT.
Hunter was nominated by Weifield Foreman, Gil Juarez, who said the following:
From Gil: “I would like to nominate Hunter Bowes. He is my fire alarm tech. We had a successful demonstration this last month including a historical foam dump that could not be accomplished without his skill set knowledge. He was able to identify and resolve issues in the field, some of which were not brought to my attention until he had them resolved. He is by far an asset and any superintendent would be lucky to have him on site as a tech.”
Hunter is being awarded a $100 gift card and will be featured in Weifield’s online communications.
Kudos to Hunter and thank you for all you do and for representing the ‘A’ in Weifield’s PACT!