On Wednesday March 29th at the Enveda job site, Howell, Murphy, DLR and Weifield got together in support of YFC’s Juvenile Justice Ministry to sign cards for incarcerated youth in our area needing a little encouragement. Ean Cowen of the YFC organization spoke to our crews and educated us on the facts about youth in our local facilities. The stories he shared were incredibly touching.
Juvenile Justice Ministry exists to create a faith-based continuity of care model geared toward fostering holistic connection and secure relationship with young people during any point of contact with the juvenile justice system. Our strategy is to come alongside young people in what it means to journey with Jesus; balancing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of life. We build relationships that are sustained through ongoing involvement as young people navigate the different pillars encompassing the juvenile justice system: Community, Courts, and Corrections.
Weifield is grateful to support this worthwhile cause!