The August, 2018 Employee of the Month program called for submissions of the best tips and tricks to simplify and improve your everyday life (aka: ‘life hacks’). Excited to announce that the winning Employee of the Month is:


Scott’s life hack idea is as follows:

“A little hackness that I do is as follows – below:

WRITE IT DOWN (Have To’s, Need To’s, Want To’s)

Have To’s:

Before I leave at the end of the day I right down my Have To’s that must get accomplished the next day

Before I open email the next day I take care of those Have To’s

Need To’s:

Again before email is opened, I write these down under the Have’s and prioritize

These must be all crossed off before the day ends…at least in theory

Want To’s:

These are work components and life moments that I write down for the week that I want to do. A work example – do a sales call to one of the GC’s and have face time, etc. A life example can be as small as changing my schedule in the AM to take my kids to school, or meet my wife for lunch.

P.S. It is a big deal for my ‘hacked mind’ to cross off the completed tasks with a red pen…I know, weird right — but it has worked!”

As the winning Employee of the Month, Scott is being awarded a $100 gift card by Weifield ownership and will be featured on Facebook and in Weifield’s ‘Wired In’ newsletter. Congratulations to Scott for submitting the winning idea and for this recognition!


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