Chatfield Reservoir Mitigation Company | Owner
Mortenson Construction | General Contractor
HDR Engineering | Engineer
Barker Rinker Seacat | Architect
PROJECT DURATION: November 2017 – March 2019
PROJECT TYPE: Infrastructure
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Recreational Facility Modifications project (RM) includes replacement of recreational facilities, structures, roads, trails and utilities impacted by the CSRP including the North Boat Ramp, Massey Draw DUA, Eagle Cove DUA, and the portions of the Perimeter Road and Perimeter Road Trail situated between the Deer Creek and Eagle Cove DUAs. It was an innovative, multipurpose, sustainable water resource project to benefit Colorado. The Chatfield Reallocation Project reallocated 20,600 acre-feet of water in a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers-managed dam for renewable water sourcing without compromising its flood control function. Redeveloping the public facilities displaced by raising the operating water level 12 feet was a monumental feat of engineering and construction. This required moving 14 sites and 1.4 million cubic yards of soil — the equivalent of burying a football field 787 feet deep — across 500 acres. To satisfy reservoir volume maintenance requirements, each yard of material placed was matched by a yard removed at the same elevation elsewhere. Planning and design under these constraints, and adjacent to a large body of water, required unique modelling, structural, and geotechnical approaches and solutions.