The June, 2018 Employee of the Month program included the second round of nominations of those at Weifield who routinely take on increasing commitments and exceed expectations. Excited to announce that the winning Employee of the Month is:
Arnie Trujillo!
Arnie was nominated by Jeff Holderman and Matt Flinn who said the following:
From Jeff Holderman: “I would like to nominate Arnie (and recognize the Purchasing department). They have stepped up in this growth spurt and nailed it. I have never not called with a “emergency req” (we all have them) and not been taken care of. It doesn’t matter if its 7am or 4pm. Arnie is always eager to help and ensure the material/equipment you need is there. They are processing a phenomenal amount of orders. The relationship they carry with our vendors shows as well. The ability to spot call and get things coming is priceless in this ever changing industry. I have made personal goals to limit my MRs to 1 a week to help alleviate some of their struggles, a thought we could all carry. Arnie & his team truly EXCEED EXPECTATIONS.”
From Matt Flinn: “I want to nominate Arnie Trujillo for employee of the month! What Arnie and his team does every day for this company is well above and beyond the daily routines and tasks that are set forth for him! Arnie has been the glue that holds this company together for years now and all of us really appreciate his hard work and dedication to making Weifield as successful as we are!”
As the winning Employee of the Month, Arnie is being awarded a $100 gift card by Weifield ownership and will be featured on Facebook and in the “Wired In” newsletter. Thanks to all of this month’s nominees for your entries!
Congratulations to ARNIE for this well-deserved recognition!