Congratulations to Weifield’s February, 2019 Employees of the Month — Kyle Callies, Sherman Brown, Ethan Buckwalter, and Jerry Silva of our 155 Steele project!
The February, 2019 Employee of the Month focused on PRODUCTIVITY and sought nominations of those individuals (or small teams) who achieve the highest number of light fixtures installed in one week (see then photos below for examples of this team’s work)!
Kyle, Sherman, Ethan and Jerry were nominated by Weifield Construction Manager, Nick Bull, who said:
From Nick: “Kyle Callies, Sherman Brown, Ethan Buckwalter, and Jerry Silva did a great job installing 292 fixtures in a week. They also trimmed the switches and hot-checked the install on Level 9 in the same timeframe.”
As the winning Employees of the Month, these team members are being awarded a $100 gift card, each, and are being featured in Weifield’s newsletter and Facebook. A huge kudos to Kyle, Sherman, Ethan, and Jerry for this well-deserved recognition!