For National Women in Construction (WIC) week, this week, we are excited to feature some of the amazing Weifield women working in both the office and the field who help to keep our company running smoothly!
Next up for feature #4 is a short write-up on what working in the construction industry means to her, from:
I was a stay-at-home mother for a while. When my second son was two years old, I returned to the workforce as a laborer. It was on my first project when Weifield discovered me and invited me to join the team. I didn’t know anything about the electrical field, and so I spent a few weeks weighing my options before deciding that this was a better career jump. It has been quite the adventure!
It has been a year now and though there is still a journey before me, I feel I have improved and have learned so much. It is good work for me; I get to be physically active and witness the transformation of the workplace. I used to work retail and it was dreadfully dull being stuck behind a cash register for much of the day, every day. The physicality, the changes, and constantly learning are what I enjoy most about the construction industry.
I couldn’t ask for a better company than Weifield, with so many opportunities to explore and room to grow. It is like family. It amazes me on every job site there may be a familiar friendly face, and I enjoy the interactions the guys have when they see each other again. The friendliness and respect I receive from the guys is endearing.