Kudos to our Tennessee February, 2023 Employee of the Month — Brian M., Weifield Tennessee Foreman!
The February, 2023 Employee of the Month round focused on identifying teammates in our company who best represent the ‘A’ (Advance Process) value in our PACT.
Brian was nominated by Adan S. (Weifield Tennessee Superintendent), who said the following:
“I really admire the way Brian handles a project; everything is organized, and you can tell all of his guys understand the daily tasks. I’m impressed that I have seen some of his approaches implemented on projects, and I can tell a huge difference on their performance. When walking his job the first day, in my mind, I went back to the early 2000’s when I was a helper, learning from him. The old school folks keep everyone in line.”
Brian is being awarded a $100 gift card and will be featured in Weifield’s online communications.
Thank you for all you do and for representing the ‘A’ in Weifield’s PACT, Brian — congratulations!